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the great co-op pringle lyric cliff beach mystery  
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Recommend  Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: robin  (Original Message) Sent: 17/01/2002 00:59
Using sophisticated image processing software, if you zoom in on the said piece of paper in Jasper's hand, it turns out to be a co-op receipt for the pringles (crisps, not sweaters) which formed the staple diet of the DRs during these sessions, and upon which Jon is resting his weary leg. And if you look REALLY closely you can just about make out some lyrics in crayon on the other side. But what were they?


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Recommend  Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: euan Sent: 18/01/2002 14:58
Mahn, your image processing sophtwair must be tres sophistocated cos all I can see is wee squares!