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Recommend  Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: jason  (Original Message) Sent: 17/03/2002 21:03
 Swine website!! I've been trying to add an mp3 of a splendid new song but cannot do so because the website is nasty. It claims the mp3 is too big even though at 1.2 MBs it dosent even fill half my allocation ( I've deleted the previous mp3s) so sorry and bah!!

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Recommend Delete    Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamenelsonmacantshronaich Sent: 20/03/2002 18:37
Bill gates won't let you load up any individual file that's bigger than 1 MB, no matter
what your total allocation is. So you'll have to be ruthless and trim off a bit more. Or...
...reduce the resolution (and thus the quality) when you convert from .wav. If you're using thon Ejay MP3 station software then it uses a 128 Mbits/s resolution by default, but if you change it to 64 (click on the wee cog wheel symbol at the top left to get at the resolution settings) the resultant MP3 only takes up half as much room.
For Guireans tracks, on my stereo, I can't tell the difference in quality. However,
given the Prog Rock Dark Side of the Moon type fidelity of your average Dun Ringles opus you might notice it a bit more.