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"CIA" mp3 on The Subterraneans Site  
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From: MSN Nicknamenelsonmacantshronaich  (Original Message) Sent: 07/02/2004 18:37
Huy coves and blones - there's an MP3 of "I Was Murdered by the CIA" now online at the Subterraneans website
It's chopped up to bits to fit and compressed down to extreme lo-fi standard. But Click Here if you wanna hear this seriously butchered snippet from Tong Studios, 1983.
Definitely intend to get some of the Subterraneans' stuff onto CD this year (what with it being the 21st anniversary of "Garage Fuzz" etc). Just waiting for that decent quality tape of the Tong Studio stuff from Etheridge Lockjaw Jones 1st.