Dun Ringles in Album 7 Contractual
Obligations Wrangle?
Charles Shaader Murray -
Newvalley Musical Express, 12 March 2004
Despite repeated talk from the
band of an "imminent" release, the new Dun Ringles
album continues not to appear on Stornoway's record
shelves this week. This has led industry experts
to speculate that there's a Ryan Adams-style battle
going on at Tape Records headquarters, with label
supremo CJ Mitchell (62), blocking its release
because it's not commercial enough.
After the massive triple olac sales
of 2003's "Giraffic Pairc", Chicago-based media
tycoon Mitchell is reported to be looking to
shift at least 25 units of the new product. However,
reports that the 12 songs on the album make up
a cyclic 200-verse unaccompanied dirge about the
transfer of Council Housing stock out of local
authority control have got Tape's marketing people
"Hey, man - I write about what I
know, like the things that are going on in my life"
said Dun Ringles lyricist Wattie recently, fuelling
rumours that the housing issue would be the key
concept behind Album 7. That or trying to get a
quote from Shocky for a leaky upstairs dormer.