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Album Seven Release 'Soon'  
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From: MSN NicknamePeatboyFunkToo  (Original Message) Sent: 04/03/2004 21:35
Hello all you Dun Ringles fans. Just to let you know that album 7 will be released probably next week. Album title is being kept secret until them, but I can tell you that the following songs will be appearing on the CD;
1. Fish & Education
2. Das Boot
3. At The Wheel
4. In The Night
5. The Mane Man
6. The Sea Chain
7. Gallows Hill Rooks (On The Lookout For Crooks)
8. Frost
9. Carved In Wood
10. Wee Womble Getting Scared By The Balantrushal
11. Break Away
12. Fir Chlis
CD to come with the usual wurdz booklet.
And, not only that, the Dun Ringles have been asked to play in An Lanntair on March 25 at an evening of readings, poems, music and stuff. We're not quite sure what it's all about but Guirean Niall The Hippy is organising it and I'm sure he'll keep us right. More info on this as soon as we get it. Probably an acoustic set of a few songs from Wattie and Jason, as Robin and Jon wont be able to make it cos their stupid mainland dwellers.

But in the meantime,keep a watch out for 'album seven.'


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From: MSN Nicknamenelsonmacantshronaich Sent: 12/03/2004 17:03
Dun Ringles in Album 7 Contractual Obligations Wrangle?
Charles Shaader Murray - Newvalley Musical Express, 12 March 2004
Despite repeated talk from the band of an "imminent" release, the new Dun Ringles album continues not to appear on Stornoway's record shelves this week. This has led industry experts to speculate that there's a Ryan Adams-style battle going on at Tape Records headquarters, with label supremo CJ Mitchell (62), blocking its release because it's not commercial enough.
After the massive triple olac sales of 2003's "Giraffic Pairc", Chicago-based media tycoon Mitchell is reported to be looking to shift at least 25 units of the new product. However, reports that the 12 songs on the album make up a cyclic 200-verse unaccompanied dirge about  the transfer of Council Housing stock out of local authority control have got Tape's marketing people worried.
"Hey, man - I write about what I know, like the things that are going on in my life" said Dun Ringles lyricist Wattie recently, fuelling rumours that the housing issue would be the key concept behind Album 7. That or trying to get a quote from Shocky for a leaky upstairs dormer.