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Rocks Top 100 Frontmen  
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From: MSN NicknamePeatboyFunkToo  (Original Message) Sent: 11/06/2004 13:02
This months Classic Rock magazine has just published the list of Rocks Top 100 frontmen and fans of the Dun Ringles will be pleased to know that Wattie was probably at number 101, but because of presures of space etc doesn't actually feature in the magazine.
Who can forget Watties epic 'Dressing Up As A Viking Longship' performance at the 1994 Norse Noel in An Lanntair. Or indeed his pogo-ing to I Don't Like Sheep at the Tarbert gig in 1995.Or his masterful forgetting of words at the WIAMH gig last April!! 

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Recommend Delete    Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamenelsonmacantshronaich Sent: 19/06/2004 13:49
Dear Wattie Dun Ringle
Bad luck on chust missing out on a place in the Rock's Top 100 Front Men chart.
We haven't seen it ourselves, but naturally we assume that Guireans vocalists Gordon Macleod and Alasdair Mackay must both have made the Top 5.
If this has prevented you from achieving the 100 spot then we apologise and promise to try not to be so brilliant the next time.
In the meantime, take some consolation in the fact that you came in considerably ahead of Coinneach "Nil Point" Livingstone.
The Guireans