Dear Guireans
On behalf of the Dun Ringles I would like to
congratulate you'se coves on the completion
of your lovely new album 'Alasdair Mackay Is
God (Sorry Bod)'It is pleasing to see that
in this day and age of mass manufactured pop
drivel, the true musical craftsman can still
weave a magical spell on his six stringed
loom and associated other instruments, (not
forgetting the cardboard box and ancient
grum machines)
Such classics as 'Let Me Craig Dunain You'
and 'Rev Music for Dunky People' will now
join the other works of art in the Guireans
fishbox of prime factory salmon and become
part of the musical legacy for our childrens
children. I forsee a day when these songs
will be taught to schoolchildren for the Mod
instead of all this nonsense that they are
forced to sing nowadays about someones
grannie emigrating cos her wellies were lost
at sea or whatever.
I look forward to the MP3's appearing on
this site soon.
PS Thanks for having us on the album. We
shall return the favour.