Well by chove all you'se coves an blones
Chust realised that we've been unbeknownst
to ourselives been playing a kind of AGOFR
bingo on this site. What with the arrival of
yet another old member of art terrorists
Swedish TV on the members list, it made me
to thinking that we should have a prize for
the first AGOFR band to get all of it's old
members signed up to this very site. I mean
to say, thats three members of Swedish TV
(all they need now is AJK and Pluckan for a
full set), two members of Zing Pop and one
of Cyclefoot already boys!!!!!. (The
Guireans have no chance given the
geneological nightmare that has been their
various line ups over the millennia)
But what could the prize be? A copy of the
MOR 83 tape? A chanter?Hmmmmmmm???............