I have no memory of this picture.
In actual fact, it is not Rod
Actorrr Morison sporting the stunning mullet
and fashionable jumper in the photo but
Roddy (Deid Folkie) Morrison, who played the
part of Rod with stunning accuracy.
Rod Morison is currently appearing in DHM
Maciver's new musical extravaganza,
at the Murdina-a-Go-Go theatrical
emporium in South Lochs before its
inevitable transfer to the West Side.
2-9 of 9
In my humble opinion cove, the whole thing
is a tissue of lies and that Meantime
Groupie duine is chust trying to further his
career in extortion. Agus I would like to
assert that the part of Tonalda was in this
case played (with some skill) by none other
than Myra Hyndley on one of her many visits
to Steornabhagh. Not a lot of people know
The Real Dim Brady
P.S. LOVE the mullet!!!!!!! >:D
Re your query Dunky aboot the mysterious
Crown photo, the wee fella is Tiny from Coll
(brother of Baba, who was for some years
Robin to Bod's Batman(heaven help us
all!!!!) , and also brother of Ruaraidh 'An
Lanntair' Murray, who wowed the west with
his musical contribution in Local Hero). The
other cove looks familiar, but I can't put a
name to him.................anyone?
i think Tiny's pal is the narcoleptic David
McKenzie, famous for rounding off a good
night in the pub by falling asleep( for even
more dubious tales of the cove mail Iain '
Bomber ' Morrison a fiver )
i last heard of him in the early to mid 90's
when his work, Grampian Computers in
Aberdeen, went to a posh hotel for a ' do '
and Kenzie made off with some very fine
booze glasses.
then again, maybe it's Dale Winton
ps more pics please
pps oh dear Rod, never mind the Taylor boys
are back with Duran - get your mullets out
for their 2002 tour coves !
Yuss now you mention the name, I do believe
you're right. On the subchect of more pics,
I have some delightful images of certain
dodgy teuchters but alas no scanner. Would
give them to Dunky to scan but am concerned
they may end up on
Speaking of that cove in the photo
skinny001, did you see Pete Burns of
Dead or Alive on Never Mind The Buzzcocks
the other night? A'ghiadh mhor!
Mind you, at least he's kept his
figure. A lot of them old goths got
uamhasach ramhair when they started eating
food at the turn of the 90s.
I wonder if he's related to Willie
"Zeppelin" Burns?
Are you being chust a wee bit personal
there, O folically challenged one?? >;P
And yes I did see Pete Burns on that
programme, cannot get those surgically
enhanced lips out of my mind, Holy Cow as
Roddy Goosy used to say!!!! As to Willie (Zepeloin)
Burns, I hear he's started his own Leper
Colonic in Weegieland.....a' dhiadh mhor!!!!!!
Off to get myself suctioned (should that be
sectioned?) whateffer it is, it's going to
sting a bit!
O yes, we are all becoming follically
challenged in our slide into middle age.
However, there may still be time to
demonstrate how fashionable the mullet truly
is before the (inexplicably shiny) top of my
head grows out of my hair.
Mullet? B'fhearr leamsa sgadan latha sam
bith de'n sheachduinn.