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Recommend  Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: Peatboy Funk  (Original Message) Sent: 22/02/2002 18:56
My goodness me, you fellows haven't changed one little bit!!!! Or was the photo really taken shortly after the video shoot was completed? I suppose the 1980 fashions in the second photo give it all away. Bleedin quick the way yon 'tash grew!

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Recommend  Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameGothCove1 Sent: 05/03/2002 11:36
Yon photo made me think I'd logged on to the Right Said Fred Fan Club site my mistake, 10/10 for the Brasso the Maths Fuhrer impersonation!!
Dunky (Ageing Goth, still got a full head of (grey) hair though!!)

Recommend  Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamememphis_louie Sent: 06/03/2002 20:27
are you sure that's The Guireans in 2001 an no Celtic's 2001 5-a-side team foto ?
i could swear blind that's thon Juice Valhalla cove on the right.
on subject of Pop Idol etc why not have a Billy Idol competition for blue noses only. the prize for the winner would be nothing thus emulating their footie team.
real Guireans support the sheep-shagging Dons - haw !