How about "Pete Stack and The Smoorcats"?
Everybody knows that a cat's favourite
toilet spot in the whole world is in the
smoor around the bottom of the cruach.
Didn't Angus Peter Campbell write...
"...many was being
the howling screaming precenting Winter's
that I was in my being
going out to be filling of peats
many times was it being
that my arm was reaching
blind into the cruach
in the dark of middle
night without
at all.
many times was I then to
be closing my hand
a marag-fresh,
duff-steaming cnap
the leavings
of thon *&% piseag again
of the warming fad
which I
was seek
ing... ".
Ok, maybe he didn't. But I'm pretty sure
that smoor (can't remember the right
spelling) is a Norse loan word in Gaelic,
which meets your criteria.
Can I have the prize? Throw in a bottle of 4
crown and you can have the poem for the
sleeve notes.
And stop running non-Guirean competitions on
the Guireans website, you chancer.