Design a sleeve competition |
Great idea, but I don't remember the
existing TDK inlay card looking like "insert
Roddy H's effort here". I reckon you should
use the "then and now" photomontage that
recently graced the homepage with two stick
insects and Morrissey badly scribbled in, to
make it look like me, Huggan and God (sorry
- Bod) were there. And if I win, I don't
need a copy of the tape cos I've already got
one. But I haven't listened to it yet.
Fantastic New
3rd Prize - A Trip to Paris!!!
Enter the sleeve design competition and - if
you can avoid coming first or second - you
could be the lucky winner of a 4-day trip to
romantic Paris.
Yus - Paris, not Harris. And France the
country, not the baker's.
This has been made possible
thanks to the generosity of Guireans
sponsors Struik Lucky Dodgy Scratchcards PLC
A trip to Paris? Sod that! Especially when
the alternative is £250 in Argos vouchers!!
They can be used in the Crofters, can't
they. Think of all the good padded shirts
that would buy. My entry is on its way.And
anyway, if the lord had wanted us to travel
to heathen foreign countries he wouldn't
have built the Minch.
Sadly, cove, the way these things work, the
alternative of the £250 Argos vouchers
redeemable at the Crofters will not be open
to you. It'll be the trip to Paris or
nothing, so you'd better hope that Dior or
Chanel are doing a line in bonnes chemises
paddeds et bottines d'Arniche this season.
Assuming, of course, that your effort -
which is now up on the
Competition page - proceeds to wins the
coveted 3rd place.
In a field of 2, it would require a truly
special quality to win 3rd prize, but I
think your entry may just possibly have what
it takes... we'll see...
Dunky's effort is very clever. It's very
good. I think that Dunky must be very
Yus. He's an IT professional, you know. So
you'd think he could have managed to
superimpose a pair of comedy specs.
Oh please, do you really think I did yon
picture myself??!!
I delegated the chob to one of my minnions
who will now be sacked and publically
flogged for missing out the comedy glasses.
Oi!! Thespian cove, I know where your band
is playing and may bring some disgruntled
huns along to heckle!!!
This message has been deleted by the manager or
assistant manager. |
Thon minion didn't spell "Alasdair" right
It was an MSP who did it, what did you
An MSP? Hope it wasn't Alasdair "How do you
spell my name again?" Morrison (Western
Isles, Lab).
And your "minnion's" poor spelling seems to
be rubbing off on you.
Sometime soon, I guess. I thought maybe heycove
was going to send in a masterpiece (or
mistresspiece) to surpass the pathetic
efforts submitted so far. And I forgot about
Anyway, why are you asking, Thespian? You
haven't sent anything in at all, and
yourself with all that time to spare while
you're "resting"...
Why not try for the scratchcard trip to
Paris? You could do the muso thing - go
busking in the Metro, then make a pilgrimage
to the Pere Lachaise cemetry to offer a
sacrificial tin of paraffin at Charlie
Morrison's grave...
Ah, you see I dont have much time on my
hands because I'm not resting right now.
And seeing as how I've retired the muso
Metro-busking thing's not too appealing. But
if I could get my hands on a scanner I might
be able to put together some kind of effort.
Or lack of effort, perhaps.
Roddy Huggan must win! You'd be surprised
how like the real thing that picture is. Can
I vote for Roddy again?