Keen listeners to Tuesday afternoon's "Cathaidh
Bhan" programme on BBC Radio Nan
Gaidheal may wonder why there was some cove
with bad Gaelic on, reading out the titles
of old Guireans songs and attributing them
to nonexistent artists such as
"Take Bhatasgeir", "Blone-die" and "Ewe Dubh"
Stuck for an idea after being dragooned onto
Tuesday's programme to mark National
Laughter Week, a certain Guirean was forced
to plunder the back catalogue for a list of
"humorous" song titles and and repackage it
as "The Steinis Book of Leodhasach Hit
Singles". Care was taken to give no credit
to the Guireans whatsoever.
Guireans manager and Plook Records CEO Ken
"The Litigator" Livingstone was said to be
considering legal action, but then
remembered that he'd long since sold all
rights to M*ch**l J**kson for £2.50 and a
date with B*bbles the Ch*mp.