Well, a good answer but not quite right. Do
you'se give up????
Alrite, I'll tell you'se.
Many moons ago Dead manages to sneak in to
photo shoot for Noel Eadies ground breaking
comp album of trendy young Lewis folk with
bad haircuts.
One of forementioned trendy's on the album
was some cove called Ado matheson.(with a
crap song)
This Ado cove moved to London to become a
musician, but not before having a sprog born
in SY called Hans (your usual Sy type of
name --- very common up on Urquhart Gdns)
Said sprog grows up and becomes actor (plays
guitarist in Still Crazy film)
Said Hans Matheson becomes star of Doctor
Zhivago and gets to act in snowy landscapes
and have s*x scenes with sultry bimbo
So there you have it. it's true!!!!!