Guireans DVD  
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Recommend  Message 1 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameGothCove1  (Original Message) Sent: 08/05/2003 20:47
Online gauntlet throwing down time!!!
I know that there are Guireans Videos kicking about somewhere and I have the kit to transfer this on to DVD, so how about it then?
The worlds first AGOFR DVD anyone?

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Recommend  Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: Sent: 12/05/2003 13:07
I have the actual Guireans 'Video' and can confirm this has been digitally transferred to MiniDV tape with a view to arranging copies.  Anyone who was present at the original recording during the 1982 'World Tour' of Sandwick, will recall that the batteries in the playback ghetto blaster being used were getting progressively flatter as the day wore on resulting in a reduction in tape speed of the backing track (shock horror it wasn't a genuine 'live' recording !).  Unfortunately this resulted in wild fluctuations in lip sync which I've still to successfully match up on the MiniDV version.  I hope to have something put together by the 21st anniversary of the making of the Guireans Video (September the something) and am currently shooting some more contemporary footage along the lines of the Osbournes (but without the shuffling) of the exploits of Guireans' guitarist / manager / accountant / record company executive etc., Ken 'Ritchie Blackmore' Livingstone.  A sneak preview of this can be seen of a promotional radio interview in the pictures section.  Guireans fans, watch this space !

Recommend  Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: Sent: 12/05/2003 13:11
Actually it will be the 22nd anniversary.  P.S. My photo seems to have gone too.

Recommend  Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamenelsonmacantshronaich Sent: 13/05/2003 07:24
No it hasn't. 2nd from the top on the right hand side of the home page.