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Recommend  Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From:   (Original Message) Sent: 29/05/2003 21:24
I hope we can generate a few interesting ideas for future album titles by the band.  There could be concept album names, compilations and so on.  It could be done as a competition - the first prize being that the winner receives a free CD of the completed album with the name they came up with ?  Plus a DVD of 'The Guireans Video', whenever this is finished.
So to kick things off, I have two possible names for a compilation album :
- 'The Guireans - Greatest Zits' ; and
- 'The Pick of the Guireans'.
Going back to our Punk Rock origins (remember 'Is mise Punk' - 1979) how about :
- 'Never Mind the Back-ochs' ? 

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Recommend  Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameGothCove1 Sent: 29/05/2003 21:45
Of course there's the long awaited definitive triple live album "How The West Side Was Won"