Huidh, K*rst*al*ne and Cadaverous. Can you
make 6th September?
2-13 of 13
huidh cove
sorry, no can do - Cyclefoot
are already booked to play at The Cross Inn
on that night.
what remuneration could you promise to
entice the Foot boyz to play ?
Your Cross Inn gig is off. I had a quiet
word with the Rev Ang*s Sm*th and mentioned
that you were the same cove that sang "I
Still Haven't Found Guga's For" there in
1988, leading to the infamous Guireans Live
riot and a lifetime ban from the district.
So you're free to play MOR 2003 again.
As regards remuneration. the festival will
be run by an offshore holding company
registered in the tropical tax haven of Goat
Island and entirely dissocciated from CJ "Mr
97%" Mitchell and Ken "Mr 98.125%"
I believe their artistic director, a Mr J*e
El**t , will be pleased to "deal
with" performers asking questions about
We're going to need some Corporate
Sponsorship for the MOR. I happen to know
that the Dun Ringles still have about £4.34
in their Royal Bank of Scotland cloth
money-bag, which is located on the bottom
shelf of a bookcase, just under the box with
all the unsold copies of Beyond the Clisham.
However, this might not be enough,so can
anyone think of any big firms we could
approach for an exclusive sponsorship deal a
la Tenants T In The Park type thing? Its a
pity 'Lambournes Discount Clothing' emporium
on Church St (where the Bhards used to be)
is closing down as I'm sure they'd have done
it.Any suggestions?
What's the venue? Island or mainland venue?
I hear the Comhairle would look favourably
on a licence for Midge Hill or Goat
(Spike) Island.
I have heard a rumour that the Swedish TV
tribute band, Swedish Transvestite, are
negotiating a spot at the Midges Of Rock in
homage to STV's slot at the '83 Midges.
is this true ?
Hey, can I be Prof? I could have a stage
name of 'Bod' MacRae?
We could indeed to 22 Pints of Beer!
i have heard a rumour that the guireans are
going to have a thing called a practice
what does a practice session entail, is it
something that beardy folkies get up to ? or
is it warming up witha few drams before a
full blown seshun ?
The Actorrr - who knows about these things -
says that a Practice Session is "like a
rehearsal, my boy, a rehearsal".
Is that not something to do with driving the
big black car backwards at a funeral?
i believe those Guireans have indeed been
rehearsing for the Midges. new songs/old
faves an' a rumoured long lost Guirean being
lined up for the gig.
more to follow.
"rumoured long lost Guirean"?
Roddy, give it up cove, Petrie is gone, let
him rest.
i hear a rumour that, as in 1983, Swedish TV
are going to appear.
anyone have any details ?
I thinks its only one of them tribute
bands... Swedish Transvestite or something.
Still, they might be good, as ABCD were
excellent in the Town Hall a few years ago.