Memphis Louie an the Rockin Firebird of Death (MLATRFOD) |
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Personnel (Not all at the same time): Memphis Louie Studebaker (Vox, Gee-tar), Ossian Stormwatch III (Vox, Percussion), Leroi Z Coondawg ( Bass, Gee-tar, Vox), Theophilus P Wildebeest (Drums), No Head Jackson (Vox, Percussion), Dante J. Romero (Git-tar), Jason E. Dunringleberg (Git-tar), King Jong ill (Git-tar), The Rev Blind Garyvard Davis (Vox, Geetar, Harmonica), Jerry Lee Lewisstreet (Keyboards, Vox), Johnny "Deadbeat" Watson (Vox) |
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MLATRFOD's Latest Ree-lease : Lockdown turf instrumental "La Tarasquiers" Out now on all good digital ree-cord shops. Check out the Video now. |
Louie & the Rockin Firebird of Death (MLATRFOD) were created in 2004,
nearly 20 years after the demise of their mid-80s predecessors, the
very similarly named Memphis Louie an the Rockin' Firebirds of Death. Who in turn had spun off from The Subterraneans.
Nobody was left from the old 1984/85 lineup except Memphis Louie Studebaker and Leroi Z Coondawg. This led to the depluralisation of the original band name. Memphis and Leroi were later joined by Ossian Stormwatch III and Theophilus P Wildebeest, which means they could ree-plurarise now if they wanted to, but that there would just be gettin too complicated. Even more complicatedly, extra git-tar services is sometimes provided by cats who can play proper lead breaks like Dante J. Romero, Jason E. Dunringleberg and King Jong ill. No Head Jackson, The Rev. Blind Garyvard Davis and Johnny from the Deadbeats been known to help out on vocals, blow a little harp or shake them maragas. And once in a while we even gits a bit of keyboard from Jerry Lee Lewisstreet hisself. They're still mixing up the same mess of fuzztone-crazed garage psych, primitive rock 'n' roll and Link Wrayabilly as before, but there's a bit more of the glacial post punk in the mix these days, since Memphis Louie has no other outlet for his Joy Division/Pixies fixations. MLATRFOD are a highly eee-lectrified studio band with as many git-tars, amps an' ee-fects as they can git their hands on. But when it comes to playing live they're too lazy to organise gear, practice, soundcheck and stuff, so they usually play acoustic-ish. Live shows are few and far between, and the line up is usually just whoever's around. So it might range from Memphis and Leroi crashin' some sensitive acoustic singer/songwriter's gig and makin' everybody cry, to a full line-up plus guests. The rest of the original 1984/85 Firebirds - Bob Bitchin', Etheridge Lockjaw Jones 1st and Zink Sputnik - ain't appeared in the 21st century MLATRFOD - so far. But Bob's still got his Telecaster and H|H under the stairs in Seaforth Road, Etheridge is listening to too much indie music at thet thar BBC Radio nan Gaidheal, and Zink has ditched the jazz-funk and is polishin' his blues geetar playin' somewhere in Fife. So it ain't beyond the bounds of possibility that any of them could appear in the lineup anytime. Hell, even old Subterranean Emil the Shrink might get his wailin' harp out one of these days...
MLATRFOD ON THE WEB | |||||||||||||||
Here's some of the other places (old and new) where you can find MLATRFOD stuff. We can't keep up with the fashions, though... | |||||||||||||||
MLATRFOD on Bandcamp | MLATRFOD on Facebook | MLATRFOD on Twitter | Old Garageband Stuff | ||||||||||||
Check out some of our previous EPs on Bandcamp. | Good for latest news an' posts. | Competin' with Domhnall Iain from Tong for the worst tweets in the world | used to be nothing to do with Apple. It was a site where bands could upload their songs and have them reviewed by other bands. Some of the reviews we got were classic, so we kept them. | ||||||||||||
MLATRFOD on Spotify, iTunes, Apple etc |
Mlatrfod on SoundCloud |
This here is Memphis Louie's YouTube Channel |
We got stuff in all good digital ree-cord shops, and the other ones as well. |
Some rare mixes on Soundcloud... |
Sadly the old band Myspace page got killed ioff by that "Tom" dude. Used to be handy for old blogs, alternate takes of the songs etc. | ||||||||||||
MLATRFOD Tour Dates:
Fleek All!
MLATRFOD News: "La Tarasquiera" out 15/5/2020 Check out our new surf'n' turf instrumental lockdown project - git-tars, git-rars, more
git-tars an' peats, with guest lead breaks from surf legends King Jong
ill, Jason E. Dun Ringleberg an' Dante J. Romero. |
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