The Subterraneans

  Who wuz who  
   Emil The Shrink
   Bob Bitchin
   Leroi Z Coondawg
   Etheridge Lockjaw Jones Ist
   Zink Sputnik
   Memphis Louie Studebaker
   Levi Mac 'an Sheonaidh Rickenbacker
   Steven Macdonald
   Alasdair "Bod" Mackay
   Alan Dick
   Randy T Pennsylvania
   Kenny "The Rev" Stewart
   No Head Jackson
   Iain Macaskill
   Kristina "Fingers" Macleod
   Kirsty Mackay

Alan "Musical Genius" Dick

The whereabouts of the Dark Visit's drum "prodigy", considered  by many (ok, himself) to be Springfield Road's answer to Keith Moon, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Phil Collins, are unknown.

Last spotted by Roddy "Kroftwerk Actorrrr" Morrison at a Folk Festival in Argyll circa 1998.

Allegedly the subject of oblique and possibly derogatory references in a number of MLATRFOD lyrics. But probably not.