The Subterraneans

  Who wuz who  
   Emil The Shrink
   Bob Bitchin
   Leroi Z Coondawg
   Etheridge Lockjaw Jones Ist
   Zink Sputnik
   Memphis Louie Studebaker
   Levi Mac 'an Sheonaidh Rickenbacker
   Steven Macdonald
   Alasdair "Bod" Mackay
   Alan Dick
   Randy T Pennsylvania
   Kenny "The Rev" Stewart
   No Head Jackson
   Iain Macaskill
   Kristina "Fingers" Macleod
   Kirsty Mackay

Derek "No Head Jackson" Macleod

Perceval Road's answer to Lux Interior and Guest Vocalist for Subterraneans practices when Emil the Shrink couldn't be bothered to show up.

No Head was extensively informed at a young age by the hip record collections of his 2 very cool big brothers (John D and Ali), No Head was considerably more clued up musically than the rest of the band, especially when it came to the blues. And punk. 

As well as his vocal duties, No Head appeared as a drive-in cinema proprietor/werewolf in "The Subterraneans Show"

After heading off to Edinburgh in 1983, No Head was frontman with modern punk outfit The Obsession.

After the Obsession split, No Head, Leroi (and  for a while Memphis Louie) played together in the later 80s down in Edinburgh, as No Head Jackson & The Sharecroppers from Hell (see Spinoffs), famous for their high speed cover of Blind Gary Davis' "Death Don't Have No Mercy".

After many years in Edinburgh, No Head recently returned with his family to live on the ancestral croft in Garrabost, where he is currently undergoing the painful process of turning into a Rubhach. He recently guested on vocals with Memphis Louie an the Rockin Firebird of Death in a live appearance at the Woodland Centre.