The Subterraneans
Can't fit this all on one page, so dependin on your interest, click on one of...
The Purple Tape - The Dark Visit Live at the Coll Centre (19/12/1981)
The Dark Visit Practice Tape (Feb/March 1982)
The Dark Visit Live at the Coll Centre (March 1982)
The Dark Visit Practice Tape (Summer 1982)
The Subterraneans - Brown EMI - (12/2/1983)
The Subterraneans - Garage Fuzz (May 1983)
The Subterraneans - Swamp Psyche (Jan/Feb 1984)
The Subterraneans Practice Tape (1984)
Memphis Louie an' The Rockin Firebirds of Death - Rehearsal Tape (Summer 1985)
Memphis Louie an' The Rockin' Firebirds of Death - Live at The Royal (5/9/1985)
The Subterraneans - Swamp Psyche & Garage Fuzz : Lost Sounds from the Leodhasach Trashbeat Era 1983/94